
“Our genes don’t create disease, our genes' response to the environment creates dis-ease. Change the environment, the dis-ease goes away.”

-Bruce Lipton

Fasting: Immediate Relief

This section is intended to save you money, time and give you results faster than you would believe. 


If you’re experiencing physical symptoms, start with a fast. Fasting resolves many chronic issues for the simple reason that you're finally giving your body a break from digestion and some much needed healing/recovery time. If you have not fasted in the past year, you’re overdue! Fasting is our body's natural way of deep cleaning and deep healing which supports optimal health and longevity.


If you want to make your fast easier, I recommend Dragon’s Blend Fire + Coal. If you order from https://www.dragonsblends.com/ you will receive a FREE 15 minute health coaching call to answer many of your questions.

I created this product to help reduce inflammation (the source of much disease) and to assist with detoxification (reduces/eliminates flu like symptoms common in fasting). Fasting is the first thing I generally recommend because it is so cheap, safe and effective.


If you're relatively healthy, try a 3 to 14 day fast, stopping when hunger returns or your body says it’s time to stop. The first 3 days are the hardest (especially for your first fast) and days 4+ are often very enjoyable and easy to maintain. If you accidentally break your fast, simply try again when the time feels right. I've found fasting is easiest when I feel a bit under the weather. Not eating let's our body focus on regeneration and can often prefent us from getting "sick".


I can be available for daily support if you desiring a fasting coach. Together we will surpass your expectations. You could lose as much as 15-30 lbs of fat healthfully, and also feel great in your body


Note: minimal muscle loss is experienced when fasting is done properly, and many find they can build muscle more easily after a fast! This makes sense because we've upgraded all of our tissue with the fast, so it works better than before.


If you’re experiencing mental symptoms, I would recommend a Human Potential / Trauma Integration session. We can often have you feeling better in a single session!


Once you’ve done either or both of the above, addressing your nutrition is vital. Check out the tonic recipe to get started.


Finally, if you really want to reset your life and dedicate the next year to becoming the best version of yourself, with my support, apply for the Life RESET Program. Guaranteed you will be amazed at how much you can achieve in one year with me on your team!